How to buy donkey hides – Wet salted donkey hides
Salted hides and skins are always a sub-product of meat industry. This means that to have an interesting production of fresh skins there should be a good production of meat.
PEOPLE IN CHINA are used to eat almost any kind of meat, but it is not the same thing for the rest of the world. As well known, it is not possible to find pig skins in Muslim countries: the pig is forbidden by the Kuran. Also, it is not possible to find local production of cowhides in India since cow is considered holy in the Hindu religion.
DONKEY MEAT is not widely eaten in the world. That’s why most of the hides in the market are not from the meat industry. Mostly donkeys are used for transport and to load stuffs. In such countries where donkeys are not yet widely replaced by cars, it is still possible to buy wet salted donkey hides.
OUR COMPANY can offer wet salted donkey hides from some of these countries, like Mexico, Perù, Pakistan, Egypt and many other African countries (Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Kenya).
What are the problems in the donkey hides market?
The FIRST PROBLEM, in recent years there is a big SPECULATION about donkey hides. Just to give you an idea, in 2016 the price of the donkey hides in the international market has increased 12 times more than the price in 2007 !!! Many buyers in the market are looking only for donkey hides. They appreciate the characteristics of the final product.
SECOND PROBLEM: quantity in the market is very limited. When in the past was the speculation about cowhides (do you remember the “crazy cow” times?) we had anyway many farmers and many abattoirs in the world, so searching might be profitable work. For salted hides we have not so many producers in the world, and the production is not limited due to a temporary situation and keep our hope for the future. There are no reasons to believe that donkey meat will become popular in the future.